虽然google在blogger status上发表声明称昨天的blogger.com和blogspot.com无法正常访问的原因是因为blogger服务器的硬件问题。
但深受GFW毒害的网友们还是坚定的认为blogger.com无法登陆的原因只有一个,那就是Government Fuck Whatever!
因此o借blogger status的最新消息像大家发出预警:GFW会北京时间6am(如果o没有算错的话)开始对blogger.com和blogspot.com(beta-blogger除外)进行为期60-90分钟的封锁。请大家互相通知。
Blogger Status
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sincere apologies for the short
notice but we will take down both blogger.com and blogspot.com at 2 PM PST today
to replace the piece of network equipment that was causing the outages in the
past couple of weeks. The outage will last 60-90 minutes, we will try to get
done as fast as we can. Blogger beta will be not affected nor blogs that are
hosted on the beta except for a few static images that we pull from
Posted by Pete at 09:38
2 [圈阅]:
80 你是怎么上你blog得 我上我自己得都是改得hosts文件,不是说就60-90分钟么 ,奶奶得都一天了 GFW垃圾